What's New?

12 July 1995
At the request of some customers who wanted to look at some screen shots before bothering to load the software we now have the Faximum Screen Shots page. Only one shot of the Client/Server product and one shot of the new MS Windows client so far but we'll put some more up soon.
11 July 1995
Phase 1 of the complete revamp of our web pages is finished and in production. The structure of the pages has changed to make the home page simpler and easier to navigate. Consistent icons and page-header graphics have been added along with a navigation image map at the bottom of every page. Graphics design and general advice by Jeff Ong of ONGdesign. Implementation and other problems by yours truly, the webmaster.
19 April 1995
Fax Quotation of the Month is now available. ("Quotation of the Month"??? Yes! ...of the Month! Just how often do you think someone says something newsworthy and interesting 'bout fax???) In any case, we'll try to come up with something interesting about fax at least once a month.
11 April 1995
We now have a Table of Contents page. The concept, which seems to becoming popular on many WWW sites, is to provide a single page which contains all of the links on all of the other pages. It provides in a single location an hierarchical overview of the entire web site. This can be extremely helpful both: Here's hoping you find this addition useful (and will encourage other sites to adopt the same convention).
3 April 1995
The Bard on the Beach has arrived! Vancouver's own summer Shakespeare company has put together their own Web page with details on the company, its programme for this summer, and other interesting stuff. See Faximum's Community and Culture page for details.
11 March 1995
New section on press releases has been added which contains both recent announcements and major milestones in the history of the company.
17 February 1995
After much fiddling around we finally have a home page logo that we're pleased with (you will have already seen it by now). For those of you who are interested: the logo and drop shadow were done in CorelDraw and CorelPaint; the colour map was tweaked using John Bradley's xv program; and the interlace and transparency were done using Tom Boutell's webgif program. (Still to come, icons and better subpage graphics...my isn't web authoring fun!!!)
15 February 1995
We added the TIA Calendar of Events page as a pro bono favour to the British Columbia Technology Industries Association (see the Other Links page). Now all we have to do is keep it current.
10 February 1995
The InterNIC updates its routing tables and on February 11th our web server receives its first request from someone requesting www.faximum.com. AT LAST WE'RE OFFICIAL! (Now all that's left to do is finish editing our pages and add lots more graphics and icons..sorry to those who hit a black hole while surfing...and thanks for visiting.)
20 January 1995
Our direct Internet connection (56Kb) is brought up for the first time and our Web Server services its first off-site request. Now all we need is for the NIC to register our domain name so we can start telling the world about www.faximum.com.